Who we serve


Orotea considers a a person or group of individuals responsible for a child’s well-being and personal development.  

fam⋅i⋅ly /'fæməli/


  1. a social unit living together •
  2. primary social group; parents and children •
  3. an association of people who share common beliefs or activities

Childhood professionals

Orotea encompasses as all individuals directly or indirectly involved with children, including teachers, educators, caregivers, babysitters, doulas, and staff from groups that support children.

child⋅hood /tʃaɪldhud/


the state of a child between infancy and adolescence

pro⋅fes⋅sion⋅al /prəfeʃənl/


  1. a person engaged in one of the learned professions 🔗
    syn: professional person


  1. engaged in a profession or engaging in as a profession or means of livelihood
  2. of or relating to or suitable as a profession • professional organizationsa professional field such as law 🔗

Educational Environments

Orotea supports such as private and public schools, as well as homeschooling, unschooling, pods, micro-schools, and any organization focused on a child’s personal development and education.

For more information, click to access.

ed⋅u⋅ca⋅tion⋅al /,ɛdʒʊ'keɪʃənəl/


  • providing knowledge •

en⋅vi⋅ron⋅ment /ɪn'vaɪərənment/


the area in which something exists or lives 🔗
syn: environs, surroundings, surround


Orotea supports those who are creating physical spaces to support children in vulnerable conditions or who already have a space for them and is willing to bring harmony to the project and to children. While they are called , it may make sense to expand your perspective and look closely at a similar project that embodies the concept. 

For more information, click to access.

or⋅phan⋅age /ɔ:fənidʒ/


the condition of being a child without living parents • 🔗
syn: orphanhood

Adults and Children

Orotea supports individuals who are willing to work on themselves.

Orotea’s Contribution to children - The beginning

Imagine a forest full of tall trees, and underneath the trees, a land full of grass.

The human beings living a shared life on this planet are represented by the grass filled land. Orotea appreciates the uniqueness of every blade of grass that adorns the land.  The land of grass represents the composition of all ages and types of humans, including children. Life is shared by them, causing them to impact one another. If a human being, who shares space with another, feels some discordance within or among those with whom they share space with, this can create an opportunity to harmonize. What’s the reason for the discordance? It is because the grass blades are being influenced enough to be affected by the parameters that compose the entire land of grass, causing them to leave behind their uniqueness. 

Now let’s talk about the trees. Trees in the forest represent the next generation of adults, now children, who were supported by adults who shared the same grassland in the past. The children of today will be the ones making a difference in the future. 

Altogether, trees and grass fields are responsible for Gaia’s next expressions. 

Orotea supports children by supporting those who are willing to work on themselves on a deeper level and take full or a high level of responsibility for their lives.

How does the lineage and belief systems that fill the mind affect children?

What if we could write the whole story differently?

Society is rooted in lineage, power, and control.  As the duality would interpret, this is not a pretty side. However, it is an important one to address! 

Various stakeholders are involved, directly or indirectly, in the life of an individual, such as parents, grandparents, great grandparents, etc. Suppression plays a significant role in generations. 

Are we talking about conflicts here? To a certain degree, yes, we are.

We live in a society where cortisol, anxiety, fear, and anger are embedded both passively and actively; this serves as a reminder that no one has ever been taught to look deep inside themselves. It is only when an adult decides to do so, that children can then be fully supported on their own unique journeys. 

Rather than idealizing life and simply moving on to the next, Orotea invites the individual to take steps based on the most harmonized state the one can experience. Before continuing this reading, please take a deep breath and trust that there is a way out of conflict because ALL composes the WHOLE.

To a certain extent, everyone knows that maintaining a high level of Willingness and motion is essential for moving closer to one’s unique path. Those who are uncomfortable on this planet tend to feel a great urge to find a place for themselves here. As a result of discomfort, people seek out belonging. This desire is sought out by most of the planet’s population. Is there a place where one belongs? Here, distortion adds to the chaos. Human Beings have reached this Now moment through their passive and active involvement by an automaton process.

The autopilot state of humanity has led the individuals to traumas, memories, and behaviors that are beyond one’s capacity to self-center themselves.

Consider reading the following line in awareness: The way out of conflict is unique to you.

How does Orotea support children?
  • Orotea supports adults that want to make it different for themselves, as well for the next generations. 
  •  Orotea supports individuals that resonate with the possibility to contribute to Gaia’s Evolutionary Journey, along with their own Journey. This is not for the mind to understand, but instead for the cells of the body and the heart to hear. 
  •  Orotea supports the child that is asking for an opportunity to express the subtle aspects of their uniqueness into their daily lives. 

Would it be that simple to identify?  It could be. But because the adult’s mind is so full of belief systems, programming and conditioning, that there is no space to access the nuances that are being expressed by every single child in this world, even inside of them.  

How am I influencing the child's world?

    This is about a decision only you can make.

    Children play an important role in the future of the planet, and this impacts the expressions of Gaia (present and future). Today, the world is embedded in conflicts, and adults, regardless of whether they have children or not, have a profound effect on their lives and realities.

    That is the reason why Orotea is an experience and a State that requires Willingness beyond the mind. This requires the individual to master the process of decision making. 

    Why both?  Because if the process only occurs at the level of information, it’ll most likely become part of a narrative causing the trajectory to no longer be available, and the process itself probably won’t work. As information becomes available, the individual is responsible for not letting it sit as a source of curiosity. By combining the Will and Decision Making aspects, new doors are opened up for the individual and also for those around them. It is through this process that harmonization of realities takes place.

    Does it mean that the journey will be perfect to the mind? The answer is no. 

    Free will is constantly playing a role in life. 

    However, it does mean that you can walk this journey with more clarity and harmony. 

    Orotea, harmonizing the child’s world.

    That’s how we started this journey and conversation. 

    As we expanded together, Orotea began to harmonize realities.