
Clarifying your Now Moment

Intensives are an opportunity for individuals to broaden their perspective, gain clarity and reconcile any conflicts in their current circumstances, ultimately leading to a more harmonious life. Intensives are offered through in person and online sessions.

Sessions are exclusively customized for the individual.

har⋅mo⋅ni⋅ous /hɑ:moʊniəs/


  1. existing together in harmony


The journey through


A monthly opportunity to collaborate in a one-on-one intensive session to address and harmonize a particular challenge.

  • The subscription should be confirmed within four weeks of the last intensive/ workshop meeting.
  • It’s up to the client to decide how many meetings are appropriate for their subscription at the moment.
  • The commitment is for six months, including additional meetings.
  • After the period of 4 weeks the client will have to have another 2h+ Intensive in order to qualify for the subscription.


A monthly community forum designed to share information and raise awareness on specific topics to support the journey toward harmonization. Those who attended the workshops and/or 2+ hours Intensive sessions are welcome to join the subscription.

  • Individual qualify for the process once they complete 2+ hours sessions and it can be 2+ hours Intensives or a Workshop
  • Groups and meetings are organized according to subject areas.
  • Meetings can last up to 2 hours – to be decided upon registration.

A pause to breathe the silence.
A gracious smile shining through.
The body activates the relaxation.
“I’m not alone” – the mind says.
“No, you are not” – Replies G-D.
Another deep breath.
Here, the more you embrace yourself, the more the world expands through your out breath. 

Embark in this harmonious experience 


The Harmonization experience

Orotea workshops provide clients with the opportunity to participate in interactive sessions focused on topics that facilitate the harmonization process. These workshops deliver practical experiences, to assist individuals in experiencing new concepts that support their journey of personal growth.

Can’t find a date that works for you?

Please send an email with your request.


The couple’s communication

Soon to be released.

Unharmonized communication can lead the coulpe to misalignments, frustration and doubt.Our workshop will focus on the communication aspect between you and your partner. As the couple harmonizes their inner state and their communication, everyone will begin to gain more clarity on their roles, to navigate the veils of duality and to embrace all the nuances available at the moment. 


Prerequisite: The Journey of Pregnancy #1 (If applicable)

“I love my partner” 

That’s a great way to begin the conversation. The more you move along, you realize that there are some small, big, gentle or rough divergences between you, impacting your next steps. 

Couples may experience resistance, fear, a sense of not being understood, as well as not knowing how to hold space for one another without feeling violated. During this phase, the masculine and feminine energies start to converge and to become confused by the couple and perhaps by the new family, in case there is an upcoming baby. 

A harmonized communication can lead the couple to:

  • Communicate with your partner from a place of Love, Acceptance, and Allowance.
  • Embrace aspects of masculine and feminine energy.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the inner conflicts that cause communication resistance.
  • Make decisions at a higher level of awareness.  
  • If applicable, to create a harmonized space for the upcoming baby/being.

Another way to navigate a relationship is to explore the hidden inner pieces in harmony with your partner. 

Duration: 2 Hours| Online
Ready to take the step forward?


The Woman’s Journey

Soon to be released.

No matter where you are in your pregnancy journey, this is an opportunity for you to create a harmonized space between yourself – your journey- your womb, and ultimately a harmonized space between you and the baby/Being. It is about silencing  the turmoil within.


For each woman, pregnancy is an intimate topic. Harmony is a beautiful way to unpack this process. Due to various reasons, women may feel a certain level of tension with the possibility of getting pregnant or even during pregnancy. 

As you move along with the topic pregnancy, fear of birth, anxiety in preparation for/in the process of pregnancy, not knowing how to make it different from your previous experiences, or how to be supported as you truly wish to be, we embark on this journey and allow harmonization to be a common experience for the participants.

What is the benefit of it? When you release resistance, expectations, memories, fears, blockages and spinning within you, you will step into possibilities. You will also gain clarity on specific and subtle aspects, broaden your understanding of yourself, become more empowered for the decision making process, and create a new path for the relationship with pregnancy.

Give yourself a chance to breathe the rhythm of the infinity and embrace all the aspects of you as you invite a baby/Being into your life! 

Duration: 2 Hours | Online

Let’s make this moment unique, serene and in harmony with you.


Awakening the Senses

Soon to be released.

By moving forward in harmony, “Awakening the Senses Workshop” presents a blank canvas for you. As the artist, the creator, you stand in the beauty of this blankness that you have created. You now have the tools, the brushes and the paint available to you. You choose the colours, to fill this space with your next steps.


Fear and rejection are two very prevalent themes in the world today. 

Yet, sometimes it is challenging to recognize them clearly. 

Fear keeps people stuck, it becomes so difficult to move forward. When you can’t move beyond the fear, it is possible for rejection to present. From this stuck place you may experience many other emotions; like anger, anxiety, confusion, and others.This is where the senses can go into sleep mode

It can feel like you are all alone, with no help or support, and no way out.  

Are you done with these experiences? Do you hear yourself saying : “I am ready for something new, a shift into a new way of being”?

Great news! There is help and support, and a way out. A new path is possible. In harmony you are invited to embrace shadow and light.

Duration: 2 Hours |  In person

Light snacks and supplies for the workshop will be provided.

We are looking forward to supporting you in harmonizing your Now moment and sharing some beautiful hands-on practices together. Your first step in this workshop will be to awaken your senses. 


Lineage: a path to harmonize

Soon to be released.

The workshop is both simple and complex at the same time, presenting you with a new, unique disclosure while harmonizing with the timeline you identified. We’ll take a closer look at inherited beliefs and behaviors that confuse who you really are.


Your behavior may be influenced by patterns you’ve picked up along the way. 

There may be some lack of resolution that impacts your pure state of Being, your Now moment, your next steps, and your relationships.

The feeling of abandonment, fear, and anger towards family members is very common for many people, while some feel lost, confused, and do not feel empowered.

The thing is: this state can be passed from generation to generation. There must be an end to the cycle. Perhaps you are the one.

This workshop helps you to clear this up.

By harmonizing, you can come back to the higher level of Being you were meant to BE.

It all starts with a long line.

A symbol that helps you to move back towards the journey you have walked so far in this lifetime. 

You draw it.

There you can add your remarkable experiences, moments, family members, as well as messages, statements that were expressed, movements and decisions that inadvertently impacted you. 

As a child, you observe everything around you. 

  • How were you translating it?
  • How did it impact you in your journey?
  • How are you dealing with the reminiscence of it?

More than that: how does it impact your relationship with other children, perhaps the ones coming from your own lineage?

You may not know how to harmonize it all on your own. Each experience may reveal a new message. 

The workshop is both simple and complex at the same time, presenting you with a new, unique disclosure while harmonizing with the timeline you identified. 

We’ll take a closer look at inherited beliefs and behaviors that confuse who you really are.

You are invited to communicate and hear with your heart as you harmonize with all the pieces you left behind. We will provide you with all the support you need in this regard.   

Duration: 2 Hours (online)

As we close the session, a release in harmony opens space for what’s next.  Will you join us?

Consultation and Projects

Orotea World

Personalized consulting services focused on harmonization.

Harmonization Guidelines

Hours are determined based on the consultation and the initial energetic assessment.

Phase 1

In this phase we start Looking at the volatilities starting from the external frame of the educational setting, which includes the owner of the project, the applied curriculum, family dynamics, physical environment, and educator.

Phase 2 

Here we begin to Witness the Beings and how each of them is experiencing the educational setting the project, which includes activities based on the curriculum and the environment at home for each child in the program.

Phase 3 

We begin in-person interactions with children and educators or staff in phase 3. In this scenario, Orotea does not replace the educator or staff; instead, it allows the educator or staff and children to experience 1:1 Guidance.

Phase 4

During this phase, the educational space or project has access to supplements that help harmonize the curriculum and other nuances that support the harmonization of project, along with follow-ups to support the implementation of steps and check for possible next steps.

Obs: Phases do not end the process, they give a start to the project and to the educational setting; they also give the educator deeper perspectives and ideas on how to align the curriculum and other aspects of the project with the child’s Being and how it impacts their Now Moment. In addition, it informs how the child can be supported at home so that their dynamics are harmonized between home and educational setting.

In order to accomplish the harmonization aspects of the project and educational space, it is possible to hire a team to work with Orotea.

Orotea also provides Harmonization Curriculum and it can be explored during the consultation.