Harmonizing the Child’s World
Orotea’s Core is represented on this page, which is why it is highlighted on the site.
Orotea supports the co-Creation of the New future by Harmonizing the Child’s World.
Here you will find a program for your child.
Who is this program for?
- For children who feel some type of emotional or behavioral discomfort such as fear, insecurity, anxiety, agitation, feelings of loneliness, stress, external pressure, feelings of not belonging, traumas, etc. not as a medical advice, but as a possibility for the child to be guided and supported in a different way.
- For children who demonstrate that they can delve into aspects not understood by society and that they can blossom their innate sparkle beyond common moments of fun and external distraction.
- For families who want to get to know their child more deeply from a unique perspective.
- For childhood professionals who want to understand how to deepen their child support strategies and how to expand their perspectives in the work and personal environment.
The Beginning
I remember when I was 9 years old, I used to walk past a school for children while walking back from a “school tutoring” course that I attended twice a week so that I could follow what was being taught at school more easily.
I was in the midst of so much internal disharmony in the search to memorize verb tenses, prepositions and fine-tune my relationship with numbers. Each time I would pass by the school for children, it was as if I was certain that I only needed to “knock on the door” and speak to the owners of that school for them to give me a job opportunity there. That voice was almost a sweet and emotional cry that came from the middle of my chest. A beautiful and raw Sun. Without formalities.
I asked myself, but why do I have to memorize so much if I know that I am here to deal with the children?
My favorite game to play was to give classes to the plants or empty chairs, “my students” at the time. I always said to myself: “I know I am not talking to myself. I also know that I am preparing myself for what comes next.” Time passed and I let that sweet cry go to sleep and lived it silently every time I met children younger than me.
At the age of 14, I decided that I wanted to work. I opened up the yellow pages and looked through all of the options to see what I could do at that age. Then I came across the term “children’s party entertainment.” I called a few companies, scheduled an interview, and went with my father to report for work. After that day, I began working with children at parties and understanding firsthand how our relationship worked in practice, now from a more professional perspective.
My relationship with children became less casual and more formal. I began to get involved in volunteer projects for churches and communities in more vulnerable situations. I began to create and teach classes for children of different ages, based on what caught my attention in each of them. I remember creating what would be used for our meeting right when the class was about to start. And everything was going really well.
Life went on and I started to not understand how that would be part of my life, after all, the world of paying the bills was calling me and I didn’t understand the possibility of continuing with that calling as a primary source of income. There, they told me that “there was no future” and I, without being grounded in my golden Sun, believed them.
I started law school, continued with volunteer work and got closer to environmental law, classrooms for young people and adults, people management and the process of self-knowledge through coaching and other energy tools – here I looked for names to understand what I had access to in the invisible world. I began to identify with conflict mediation and became involved with different opportunities that came in the form of work. In the world of formality, the girl who screamed sweetly toward involvement with children was losing the voice that came from her chest and nurturing other little pieces that made up the disharmony that, with its ever-important importance, was asking for passage.
One day, while working as a conflict mediator in a business group, I woke up asking for another degree. The pedagogy course began to speak louder. My sweet sun emanated from my chest again. But wait a minute, it wasn’t exactly what I thought! I philosophized in absolutely every subject, questioned all the teachers and didn’t understand the numbers and memorization of the content that involved the entire class.
I found myself looking for internship opportunities and saw that I was interviewing schools to understand if I really fit in there. I looked at the little pieces of disharmony, now outside of me and saw no space to exist fully. Time to give up. I canceled my enrollment and moved on to my next step. Would the world and life always be like this? An eternal movement of fitting into pre-formatted spaces?
I questioned, wrote about my questions, and asked people. I never heard an answer different from the ones I had already heard. And I kept asking: and these children, how are they being seen and cared for? What depths go unnoticed by educators and teachers? I See them, could it be that no one else is Seeing them? I lived in an ocean of questions, and like a fish out of water I kept swimming in search of the Sun that shone in my chest. This sun was called CERTAINTY, but because there was no place for it to exist, this certainty slept restlessly.
Among other jobs and processes, I got to know a foster home.
For the first time I was invited to feel at home. Dona Salete and Mr. Severino opened the doors to me so that I could EXIST and thus welcome each child who lived there in their entirety, even with the existing limitations. This was the beginning of a revolution.
That was the beginning of a revolution. I spent 7 years there in that Home.
I moved to another country, worked with children for years, and during this process I went on to formally specialize once again as an Early Childhood Professional. At that time, I still understood that I needed a certificate to fit in somewhere. I took two courses, one as an assistant and the other as an educator. Two more opportunities to delve deeper into the little things that were not seen by those who composed the courses. My dream of working with children now with an international certification. Ah! I think it will be different now, after all, we are talking about “first world” education.
But who started this story? I started to question everything once again. I was always in the coordinators’ and teachers’ offices looking for something new or for someone who could open doors to a different way of approaching things. The new things were always the pedagogical proposals that presented themselves as alternatives. I kept begging for something different. Few could read it. Rare could hear me. The answer was always: “It is what it is”. I questioned the classes, the internships, the dynamics, the approaches.
I went after other students, asked them to collect signatures requesting something different from what was being offered. The truth is that I didn’t have much support from the students either. I couldn’t accept it, simply because the 9-year-old girl never understood life the same way as others and rebuilt everything along the way to create her own space of existence, unconditionally.
During the course, I had the opportunity to meet a teacher who saw me. She gave me free themes for all the work she assigned to the class, and she gave me open answers to the questions on the tests. I wrote as if I were painting the sky. FREELY. It was the first time, finally, that I was able to express myself fully and talk about untouchable or crazy topics. Her answers complemented mine in an inexplicable way. But what a good feeling. Needless to say, every semester I looked for the subjects she taught. Vidya. Her name was like a warm blanket in the winter at the North Pole.
I finished my course with a different proposal. I went to Tanzania, at the height of the pandemic in 2021, to renovate a school that I didn’t know would be like. All I knew was that I would meet her halfway, and so I went knocking on doors until I managed to get in. There were 200 Canadian dollars collected from donations and a backpack with some toys collected to make this happen. I remember walking around looking at the ground to find little pieces of waste to create sensory panels for the children. Finding the tools to assemble these panels calls for another page in this book.
We were in a remote village, with little communication, without knowing how to speak Swahili and managing the days so that we could return with the mission accomplished. I woke up at 4 in the morning to get an internet signal and complete the training course in Early Childhood Education and to hand in the work on time, meeting all of the many requirements. After that, I went about my day to be free in what I knew – how to Be.
Why did I highlight some details of this experience? Because there, I lived the impossible and understood that the only thing that prevents us from changing the world is our permission to be smaller than conformism and the external control over us. Returning to where I live and passing through the various workplaces, schools, child development centers and even alternative pods and micro schools created by homeschooler and unschooler families, I noticed that parents and educators still experienced generational gaps in the education system.
But why does this cycle seem to never end?
Orotea arrived and transformed the way these gaps could be filled. The harmonization process was the answer to everything. Over the course of another 3 years, I worked with families, schools and children using the Orotea approach and today I have developed a complementary curriculum, called the Children’s World Harmonization Curriculum, which maps the individuality of each child, supports the application of existing pedagogical proposals, provides more tools for educators and families, directs physical spaces that are part of the child’s reality and supports individuals to delve into their own individual processes, thus opening space for the children’s reality to happen beyond the already known programming in the process of life.
The 9-year-old girl now softly tells the world that the Sun that shone quietly in her chest now expands and takes its sunny rays so that other children can experience themselves completely, beyond verb tenses, equations and periodic tables. I already knew everything, I just didn’t know I could experience my True Nature since my childhood.
Today I invite you to dive into this world of possibilities with me.
Free yourself in Harmony.
The program
For over 15 years, I have worked with children and families in a variety of educational settings, including vulnerable communities in Brazil, orphanages, schools and child-care centers in Tanzania, Canadian community centres, private families, public early childhood programs, daycares, pods, and microschools.
This complementary program could be beneficial to them for a variety of reasons, including:
- As a way to support children who feel some type of emotional or behavioral discomfort;
As an extra curriculum and a meaningful experience for the child;
As a way for parents and educators to get an understanding of how to support the child in a different way;
For the child to be inspired by the program and start developing inner strategies that may benefit their interactions in daily life;
For the child, family, and educators to be able to participate in the harmonization process.
Children who are experiencing some difficulties at school or home could also benefit from a different approach, a small group setting that allows them to interact in a harmonized manner and cooperate with one another.
The program runs on a weekly basis, and you can choose the day (s) that work for you;
Your child may attend as many times a week as the child can benefit from it;
Parents, educators, and childhood professionals are welcome to join us for the day.
The project takes place in three-month cycles. For packages, a 3 months commitment is required. Drop in is also available.
This program is for all
-Days available : Monday to Sunday
– Pick up and drop off at your convenience from 10 am to 4 pm.
- It works based on the moment, not necessarily on the full term. A flexible schedule makes it easier for families and educators to navigate the program. The schedule is based case by case.
– Please, check availability (day and time) once you decide to join the program.
-Sibling and friend/buddy gets a 10% discount.
-Supplies are included and activities are included.
– For those who join the bundle, extra zoom calls may be applicable.
Price: 400$/ bundle
Single Session: 125$ / Day
Who is this program for?
We live in a society where cortisol, anxiety, fear, and anger are embedded both passively and actively; this serves as a reminder that no one has ever been taught to look deep inside themselves. It is only when an adult decides to do so, that children can then be fully supported on their own unique journeys.
Ok, but who is this program for?
- For children who feel some type of emotional or behavioral discomfort such as fear, insecurity, anxiety, agitation, feelings of loneliness, stress, external pressure, feelings of not belonging, traumas, etc. This is not a medical advice, but a possibility for the child to be guided and supported in a different way.
- For children who demonstrate that they can delve into aspects not understood by society and that they can blossom their innate sparkle beyond common moments of fun and external distraction.
- For families who want to get to know their child more deeply from a unique perspective.
- For childhood professionals who want to understand how to deepen their child support strategies and how to expand their perspectives in the work and personal environment.
Curriculum application
The application of the curriculum activities are led by the subtleties presented by the child and are modeled by them while supported and Guided by Orotea.
This may result in new discoveries and information that support families and childhood professionals on how to better support the child in the school or at home.
The purpose of the curriculum
First of all, it is important to highlight that for Orotea, the individual is composed of the human and the Being. Both are part of what we call the composition of
The human represents aspects of duality, the physical body and all its distorted memories that prevent the Being from existing in its original essence.
Adult and child
The harmonization curriculum, called “Orotea: Harmonizing the World of the Child”, is therefore based on the singularity of the Being that inhabits the child’s physical body, and involves all individuals that are part of the child’s reality.
Because it is based on the singularity of the Being, this applied curriculum can bring ramifications and possibilities that
It is important to emphasize that this curriculum can also be used together with another type of curriculum or pedagogical approach
The application of this curriculum is reflected in all areas of the child’s
The more adults are willing to embrace the uniqueness of each child, the more effective the harmonization of realities is. One of the reasons
Orotea provides the child with an opportunity to fully express their True Nature, while supporting the expansion of their State of Being, crossing the veils of duality that are located all around them and that prevent their ability to go beyond.
“Once upon a time, a child.
Once upon a time, an adult…
Can be experienced in harmony.”
One step at the time
As part of Harmonizing the Child’s World, we will support adults and the child through a series of steps that will create the opportunity for a harmonized interaction with all that is part of their reality, including physical spaces. Orotea emphasizes this subtlety when supporting the child’s True Expression in sharing space with multiple realities during their life journey. The interesting part of it, is that the same works for adults as they activate their Willingness to experience their True Nature.
The singularity of this experience happens because it is based on the uniqueness of the child as they interact with the project, with the adults, the curriculum that has been applied, and the physical spaces that the child experiences. Also because Orotea supplements the applied curriculum based on the now moment of the child.
Adults are invited to engage and exercise their sense of presence and implement that to your day-to-day tasks with our support.
The phenomenon of Harmony differs greatly from the way this term is often represented in everyday language. Harmony is a state one enters as they face and resolve the discordance and volatility that is present in their life. For one to face it, they must first be able to see it and often, that is the most challenging step.
For a child, discordance and volatility can look like a tantrum, resistance, lack of confidence, anger, suppression of feelings, over stimulation, among others and often may result in physical symptoms.
When children are born into a world where most are running on auto-pilot, children can experience pain, stress, fear, and have accepted that this is the way it is.
Harmonizing the Child’s World curriculum supports a child in all aspects and with individuals that interact with the child to face discordances so the child can BE in Harmony with the world they live in,
It is based on the uniqueness of the child-Being and engages all individuals – Beings that are part of the child’s world, along with the curriculum that is implemented in the educational setting and the reflection of the environment itself. Orotea provides the child an opportunity to fully express their uniqueness, to face their inner and own challenges, while supporting the expansion of their State of Being by crossing the veils that prevents their capacity to move beyond.
The following strategies can be implemented based on each case.
Each scenario may require other options to be Created.
Orotea’s strategies are available for Families, Educators, Projects, and Children.
- Energetic Observations and Individualized Mapping and Action Steps for children, family and educators or staff;
- Curriculum supplements and modifications to Harmonize the Now moment of the child, of the family and of the Educators or staff;
- Physical Spaces energetic assessments and harmonization;
- Specific guideline for projects in general;
- Harmonization workshops to address unique dynamics such as:
- Lineage Workshop
- Pregnancy Workshop
- Couple Communication
- Awakening the senses
- Sound of Harmony
- Breathing in Harmony- Guided breathing and feeling into the pause in between the inhale and exhale
- Identifying Your unique way of living and being;
- Identify and harmonize internal, emotional, and energetic blockages ;
- Identify what is hindering your ability to live this way;
- Feel your Presence and know how to take that with you everywhere you go.
The reason that Orotea emphasizes natural elements is because they are elements that support the original biology of the child-Being.
Why nature and natural elements?
Due to the fact that nature on Earth is a physical mechanism that supports the harmonization of all realities, including interaction and integration of the Human and the Being. Here you read Harmonization as a Quantum phenomenon.
Orotea subcategorize “natural elements” in two ways:
Macro: Planet Earth, Breathing, Expression, Movement, Cellular Awakening, Oneness of Being, Harmony, Timelessness and Space.
Micro: Air, water, fire, wind, duality, innate sparkle, sound, creation and creativity, soil, open-ended pieces such as wood, stones, shells, fabric, cotton, pine cones and other natural principles or materials offered by nature, original or transformed, that support the expression of Being at the time of their use.
Areas of focus:
Breathing and movement; Cellular and sensory awakening; Cause and effect; Colors and hand’s interaction; Creativity and creation; Life skills; The practice of silence; Fine motor refining; Performance play, Sounds and movement, Gross motor maturation ; Interaction with nature; Open ended pieces; Natural elements; Words, compositions and phrases.
The Harmonization curriculum does not end at this point; it presents itself and expands as Beings request this expansion at a Quantum level.
Orotea identifies the use of the curriculum according to each child not by a category or age group, instead by the affinity that the child has with the topic explored and with the moment expressed by him/her.
It is emphasized here that the curriculum aims to harmonize the present moment as well as the reality of the child in all his/her areas of involvement and interaction. The adaptation of the curriculum for adults will occur in the same way with the necessary adaptations.
This program also aims to support children facing emotional and common behavioral challenges, not as a medical advice, but as a possibility to be guided and supported in a different way.
We support the uniqueness of the child by focusing on the variety of possibilities open to the use of loose parts, colors, self-expression projects, activities that activate the child’s discernment and precision, non-linear projections and storytelling, subtle discernment of the physical body and Consciousness (for more details on the topic of Consciousness, visit Remember Inc.), the activation of internal strategies that support their innate ability to navigate their own lives while maintaining maximum capacity to retain their Uniqueness and individual expression, among other possibilities.
In the application of the curriculum, there is no emphasis on achieving physical or human milestones, rather there is a process of harmonizing volatilities, activating the innate sparkle of the Self being expressed through the Child, as well as a process of anchoring greater clarity about the True Nature of each Child or adult involved in the process. Finally, the process aims to support children that experience any emotional or behavioural challenge.
Harmonizing the child’s world
Our projects
More info coming soon