Clarifying your Now Moment
Intensives are an opportunity for individuals to broaden their perspective, gain clarity and reconcile any conflicts in their current circumstances, ultimately leading to a more harmonious life. Intensives are offered through in person and online sessions.
Sessions are exclusively customized for the individual.
The journey through
A monthly opportunity to collaborate in a one-on-one intensive session to address and harmonize a particular challenge.
- The subscription should be confirmed within four weeks of the last intensive/ workshop meeting.
- It’s up to the client to decide how many meetings are appropriate for their subscription at the moment.
- The commitment is for six months, including additional meetings.
- After the period of 4 weeks the client will have to have another 2h+ Intensive in order to qualify for the subscription.
A monthly community forum designed to share information and raise awareness on specific topics to support the journey toward harmonization. Those who attended the workshops and/or 2+ hours Intensive sessions are welcome to join the subscription.
- Individual qualify for the process once they complete 2+ hours sessions and it can be 2+ hours Intensives or a Workshop
- Groups and meetings are organized according to subject areas.
- Meetings can last up to 2 hours – to be decided upon registration.
A pause to breathe the silence.
A gracious smile shining through.
The body activates the relaxation.
“I’m not alone” – the mind says.
“No, you are not” – Replies G-D.
Another deep breath.
Here, the more you embrace yourself, the more the world expands through your out breath.
Embark in this harmonious experience
The Harmonization experience
Orotea workshops provide clients with the opportunity to participate in interactive sessions focused on topics that facilitate the harmonization process. These workshops deliver practical experiences, to assist individuals in experiencing new concepts that support their journey of personal growth.
Can’t find a date that works for you?
Please send an email with your request.
The couple’s communication
Soon to be released.
Unharmonized communication can lead the coulpe to misalignments, frustration and doubt.Our workshop will focus on the communication aspect between you and your partner. As the couple harmonizes their inner state and their communication, everyone will begin to gain more clarity on their roles, to navigate the veils of duality and to embrace all the nuances available at the moment.
The Woman’s Journey
Soon to be released.
No matter where you are in your pregnancy journey, this is an opportunity for you to create a harmonized space between yourself – your journey- your womb, and ultimately a harmonized space between you and the baby/Being. It is about silencing the turmoil within.
Awakening the Senses
Soon to be released.
By moving forward in harmony, “Awakening the Senses Workshop” presents a blank canvas for you. As the artist, the creator, you stand in the beauty of this blankness that you have created. You now have the tools, the brushes and the paint available to you. You choose the colours, to fill this space with your next steps.
Lineage: a path to harmonize
Soon to be released.
The workshop is both simple and complex at the same time, presenting you with a new, unique disclosure while harmonizing with the timeline you identified. We’ll take a closer look at inherited beliefs and behaviors that confuse who you really are.
Consultation and Projects
Orotea World
Personalized consulting services focused on harmonization.